Microsoft Surface-branded Windows Phone rumoured ~ Hackinthus

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Microsoft Surface-branded Windows Phone rumoured

 By: Santosh Pavate

Microsoft trimmed some feathers when they announced Surface, Microsoft’s home-grown tablet to be available around the launch of Windows 8. The latest rumors are that Microsoft could also be getting into the smartphone industry with a Surface Phone.

According to analysts, Microsoft’s steping into the hardware market would make sense, given how they are trying to bring out a “lead-by-example” strategy in the tablet business. Microsoft has never been a hardware-heavy company, but the thing is that if they craft their own hardware, Microsoft can show what the Windows 8 can really do. 
The rumor suggests that Microsoft will not be releasing a Surface branded phone anytime this year in order to keep the peace with the OEM partners. With the launch of Windows Phone 8, there will be only 5 players in the market, Nokia’s Lumia 920 and 820, HTC’s 8X and 8S along with Samsung Ativ S. This way, the OEM partners can cash in on the holiday-season frenzy, along with giving them ample time to not only rake in profits, but also prepare for the second wave of Windows 8 phones.
As of now, this is all based on rumors. However, if Microsoft does release a Surface-branded phone, we can only hope that it is as exciting as its tablet counterpart.

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