iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 5 Is Almost Ready On iOS 6.0.2 ~ Hackinthus

Sunday, January 06, 2013

iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 5 Is Almost Ready On iOS 6.0.2

Finally, big relief for all iOS 6 users. Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 6.0.2 is ready and will be available to users shortly. There was a time when all iUsers were worried as developers were finding it hard to get into the system and crack iOS 6. Thanks to our hero Planetbeing to provide us all with the current status of iOS 6 jailbreak for iPhone 5 and other devices.
Rather than opening up his status over twitter, Planetbeing adopted the smarter way by updating the status over Reddit, a jailbreak community. There are still few things left to be done before releasing the jailbreak but the good news is Planetbeing has an untethered JB running on his own iPhone 5 on iOS 6.0.2.

The current jailbreak being used on his iPhone uses a specific exploit that the developing teams believe will be around for a long time, granting them full access to upcoming iOS releases and releasing the jailbreak globally would ultimately destroy that exploit.

Yeah, I’m not really sure what all the doom and gloom is about. The fact is, I have an untethered iOS 6.0.2 JB running on my iPhone 5 right now.

The reasons it’s not released are because 1. releasing it would burn an exploit we want to save for ourselves so we can always get in to look at new firmware and help JB in the future, 2. iOS 6.1 is coming very soon and will likely break a small part of it anyway, there’s no point in sacrificing the many bugs it won’t break.

so while jailbreaking is getting harder, reports of its death are highly exaggerated.

With all these updates from Planetbeing, looks like days are not far when we will be having Untethered Jailbreak out globally.

(source Reddit via Redmondpie)

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