As told and described in our last post about NFC payment,you can carry your
cash in your phone it has been seen that it is one of the best and coolest use of NFC for contact-less payment.Google wallet is one of the best example of using your phone as a wallet,The most widely known example of using your phone as your wallet is probably Google’s Wallet app. After installing it on your Android phone, you’re all set to tap away.
But the problem with Google Wallet is that Google wants to control the whole experience, so you can only install it officially on a handful of devices, has only integrated tightly with Citibank, and so only a handful of customers can actually use Google Wallet.
First off, some requisites; your device will need to be rooted. You’ll also need to be running at least Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Depending on the ROM you have on your device, you may already have Google Wallet installed, but ‘frozen’. The ROM from ‘bigxie‘ that I am running on my Galaxy Nexus already had Wallet installed. You’ll also need to install MarketEnabler so Google thinks we’re in the US.
(To check if you already have Google Wallet installed, install TitaniumBackup and look for Wallet in your apps list. If it’s listed in purple, it’s frozen. Tap and hit ‘defrost’ and you should see ‘Wallet’ appear in your apps list. However, you will need to defrost wallet every time you reboot your device).
f your device doesn’t have Google Wallet installed, you can either use MarketEnabler to make Google Play think you’re in the US, or install a patched version of Wallet, such as the one from Modaco (this should work if Google doesn’t support your device, even if it has NFC). The Modaco patched APK also removes the ‘Unsupported device’ warning – Google does not claim responsibility when Wallet is run on a rooted device, as technically it’s possible to access the data from Wallet.
(I had already entered my PIN before I went to pay, which is why I was not prompted for one)
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