"The next big thing is already here"anti-iphone5 ad [video] ~ Hackinthus

Thursday, September 20, 2012

"The next big thing is already here"anti-iphone5 ad [video]

 By- Harkirat Singh(facebook)(twitter) 

                                  Now this is too much samsung few days back showed the banner saying It doesn't takes a genius and the next big thing is already here to tease the new apple iphone5 and today they have uploaded an youtube ad featuring the same.In the ad it is shown that people are waiting outside the apple store waiting for iphone5 to release and some random people coming up and showing them the new features of samsung galaxys3 which apple iphone5 doesnt has.

                               According to me this a real cheap trick used by samsung,these ads and anti iphone5 camp clearly shows how afraid they are of apple's new smartphone and shows the position that apple holds in smartphone market.

                                            There’s no second thought that Galaxy S III is one of the most powerful and capable devices in the market , but with the iPhone 5 shifting two million units in three days and the Galaxy S III selling twenty million in three months this competition is going to be real tough !!
Have a look at the video :

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