iPhone 5 Yellow Tint Screen. ~ Hackinthus

Saturday, September 22, 2012

iPhone 5 Yellow Tint Screen.

By Harsh Vardhan (Facebook) (Twitter)

Its not much time since the long awaited iPhone 5 launched. But we found some of the owners of iPhone 5 reporting about Yellow Tint on their display. Over a period of time we saw iPhone has generally some problem like the Antenna gate of iPhone 4. Well it's a matter of time that will decide that this problem will fix itself or will be another major source of problem. Apple is always known for its brilliant display and such problems may create disturbances in sale.

Below are some of the images of Yellow Tinted display.(Credit: Redmond pie)


Notice the Yellow tint Near the top edge.(Between E and S)


This curiosity led me checking Apple discussion pages. The reported problem existed with many users and were looking for the solution for such problem.

Thankfully, this isn’t a permanent issue. Time, being the best healer there is, will solve this issue as the glue dries out. It can take a few days, or maybe a couple of weeks at max for the yellow tint to disappear.

If however, your tint doesn’t go anywhere after this period of time, you are recommended to take your iPhone 5 to your local Apple Store and ask for a replacement.

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