[Cydia Tweak] StatusColor for ios6 ! ~ Hackinthus

Saturday, September 29, 2012

[Cydia Tweak] StatusColor for ios6 !

Shared By Harkirat Singh(facebook)(twitter) 
"The content of this post is taken from another source(with giving due credit to it's orignal Authors)"
StatusColor is a new jailbreak tweak that brings the iOS 6 Status Bar to iOS 5!
In iOS 6, the grey/silver status bar has been removed and now in applications where that status bar was shown, the status bar is the same colour as the top bar. This in most cases like Messages and Settings is blue, but there are some exceptions, like Notes where it is brown.
Now, you may be jailbroken on iOS 5 and not want to update to the new iOS 6, because maybe you have a iphone4S and there is no jailbreak available. StatusColor brings this exact functionality to iOS 5! The tweak works as it should and I’ve had no issues with it.
You can pickup StatusColor in Cydia for free by tapping HERE on your iDevice.


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