Can hackers benefit U.S economy ,Is it right to Drop out of college to follow your dream ?? ~ Hackinthus

Monday, September 03, 2012

Can hackers benefit U.S economy ,Is it right to Drop out of college to follow your dream ??

By- Harkirat Singh(facebook)(twitter)

This piece of work will tell you how hackers have benifited in the rise of US economy.

We all have  a misconception that hackers are the villians like they always show in movies but the truth is somewhat different.This hacker culture is basically thrives in the U.S.People refer hacking there as "reverse engineering" and this is really important because to hack something you should know that subject better than who has made it and so it makes you a master of that subject.
                                       There's a concept 10000 hours,which means if you spend this many hours on a cocept you become a expert in it.Twenty years ago if you would have attented a hacking confrence all the faces their would be American but thats not the case now there are pretty much different people from all around the world !!
                                       Benjamin franklin was the first  United States hacker,at that time of era Stoves,bulbs,steam engines,telephone and many more innovations came out because it was a subculture back then in united states.Benjamin franklin started thinking out of box when there was no box out of which you can think.So basically all the innovators researchers have somewhat a hacker's mind but they put it into a good use.Its always a silver line between good and bad and they choosed good.


                                                        Now if i tell you people who are inventors now and dropped out of prestigious colleges you would probably name Bill Gates or Steve jobs but you are in dilemma it was Edwin Land inventor of polarizing lens and instant photography,he was a great mentor of Steve jobs.In europe dropping out of a prestigious college to follow your dream is really unconventional and same is the case with INDIA and CHINA.
but this model was followed by bill gates and by the founder of facebook Markand you know where they stand in the world today !!
                                                   It may take you by surprise but is the truth and shown in the movie the "pirates of silicon valley" that before making apple computers or Macintosh they were building a blue box. what wa this blue box ??
                                                        Basically it was decvice by which you could hack into a phone system and make long distance calls by emmiting a 2600 HZ sound wave.So people who can think out of box can thrive in the near future.Today IBM employes more people from india compared to U.S,this is all due to recession.And its the second time that recession has hit united states.So the questions comes when all the jobs are being created by them why are they not able to do job themselve this is a real complicated issue.

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So what do you think about this post and Do you think it is right to drop out of college to follow your dreams ??
Let us know in the comment sections given below !!!



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