Late Monday, a Facebook engineer took to Reddit to apologize for inadvertently blocking Imgur, one of the most popular image sharing sites on the Web, from the social network.
Users were prevented from posting any Imgur links to their profile pages and timelines on Monday, and were greeted by a Facebook error message telling them the links were being "blocked for being spammy or unsafe."
The false positive may have gone unnoticed by Facebook's estimated 950 million users late on Monday night, but the block was enough to provoke a backlash from users of Reddit, the hugely popular community site.
images. Reddit meanwhile said in a blog post in January that it had racked up more than 2 billion pageviews over the preceding December and had nearly 35 million unique visitors during the month.
Within a couple of hours after a picture of the Facebook error message was posted on Reddit, the image rocketed to the top spot on its homepage, attracting more than 800 comments.
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