ASTRO helps organize & view your pictures, music, video, document & other files.
ASTRO helps organize & view your pictures, music, video, document & other files.
ASTRO File Manager has 35 million downloads on the Android Market and 290,000 reviews!
It's like Windows Explorer or Mac’s Finder for your phone or tablet and allows you to easily browse and organize all of your pictures, music, videos and documents. It also gives you the ability to stop processes that burn battery life and backup your apps in case you lose or change phones.
Personalize the look of ASTRO by downloading different colored icon sets using our "theme" feature!
It’s picture view works better than standard galleries and ASTRO is in dozens of Top Ten Android App lists and has been recommended in books. DOWNLOAD NOW.
Features include: file management, android file browser, file and/or app backup, image and text viewers, networking, Bluetooth, SFTP, Zip/ Tar, downloader, thumbnails, search files, application manager, task manager, attachments and more…
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